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data — Property in interface net.sourceforge.fxpotpourri.logging.misc.IURLLoader | |
data — Property in class net.sourceforge.fxpotpourri.logging.misc.URLLoaderImpl | |
dataFormat — Property in interface net.sourceforge.fxpotpourri.logging.misc.IURLLoader | |
dataFormat — Property in class net.sourceforge.fxpotpourri.logging.misc.URLLoaderImpl | |
date — Property in class net.sourceforge.fxpotpourri.logging.core.LogItem | |
DateConverter — Class in package net.sourceforge.fxpotpourri.logging.configuration.converter | |
DateConverter() — Constructor in class net.sourceforge.fxpotpourri.logging.configuration.converter.DateConverter | |
debug(message, error) — Method in interface net.sourceforge.fxpotpourri.logging.api.ILog | |
Broadcasts given message (and error) to all configured appenders with level DEBUG. | |
debug(msg, error) — Method in class net.sourceforge.fxpotpourri.logging.core.Log | |
Broadcasts given message (and error) to all configured appenders with level DEBUG. | |
DEBUG — Constant static property in class net.sourceforge.fxpotpourri.logging.api.LogLevel | |
DEBUG_ENABLED — Constant static property in class net.sourceforge.fxpotpourri.logging.core.ApplicationConstants | |
dispatchEvent(event) — Method in class net.sourceforge.fxpotpourri.logging.misc.URLLoaderImpl | |
doesInclude(that:net.sourceforge.fxpotpourri.logging.api:LogLevel) — Method in class net.sourceforge.fxpotpourri.logging.api.LogLevel | |
Checks if this level also includes ("is higher than") than the given level. | |
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